

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained.” Mahatma Gandhi 


It’s been more than seven years since I wrote “Hare Krishna Hackers Beware!”
( and it’s clear that I need to revisit the same issue. Hackers (mostly recently from Singapore and Hong Kong) have been flooding Google with totally bogus claims that my blogs promote “hate.”  This nonsense resulted in this blog being taken down for ten days in April. After I appealed it and the administrators from Google revisited the matter, my blog was promptly reinstated. 

Far from promoting hatred or any kind of abuse, for the past nineteen years my blogs have simply publicized a number of ISKCON founder/acharya A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s (“Prabhupada”) controversial pronouncements (which, incidentally, is precisely what he wanted). In fact, far from promoting a philosophy of “love and peace,” they include brazen incitements to violence and the murder of non-believers, what to speak of a number of extremely disturbing examples of misogyny and donation fraud.

Nevertheless, the swami regarded his views on these matters as foundational to his mission of educating his disciples about the values and practices of Gaudiya (Bengali) Vaishnavism, the Bhakti yoga offshoot popularized by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534). 


In one of the most notorious examples, Prabhupada referred to women as “vaginas, “ a coarse slur equivalent to (at least in American English) to “c**t.” or “p***y.” Since this revelation might shock some readers, a bit of context is necessary. Among Prabhupada’s early disciples were a number of well-known homosexuals and misogynists whose contempt for and maltreatment of women is the stuff of ISKCON legend. Their intimate conversations with their guru and other male devotees were recorded and transcribed for posterity (See https://Veda for the standard Bhaktivedanta archive).

Despite the fact that these smug hypocrites had previously embraced a lifestyle notable for its promiscuity, they saw fit (under the guise of newly-found celibacy, no less) to inform Prabhupada about rumors that some young women practicing the “free love” of the hippie generation had taken to bestiality (specifically, with dogs). Prabhupada evidently accepted this sickening gossip as fact. For the authoritative transcription of the recorded “room conversation” in which the swami reacted to this smut, please go to

The existence of a “philosophy” that uses unsubstantiated filth from a bunch of sexually repressed misogynists (and the worst example of the denigration of women imaginable) as information worthy of publication is why ISKCON takes such care to hide it from the public. Nevertheless, since our guru wanted it published, I dutifully complied.


While much has been written detailing the shady and often outright illegal  practices that funded the construction of the first ISKCON temples in India, they have been conveniently swept under the rug as the excesses of a few errant disciples and their followers. In fact, the method our guru and his hand-picked Temple Presidents in the Americas and Europe developed consisted of using devotees to “hit the streets” for  “Sankirtan,” which began with a few of them playing cymbals while chanting and dancing but soon developed into a slick money-making operation. The formula was simple: send teams of half-starved saffron-clad “monks” to airports and other places full of easily-distracted people. Then proceed to fleece them of their money by using a carefully scripted sob story while pressuring them to make a “donation” and receiving one of our guru’s recently translated Hindu scriptures in return. 

Fundraising schemes designed to target and carefully groom affluent donors are a different matter entirely. Most of these were approved by Prabhupada and adopted by his more ambitious disciples  and were aimed squarely at wealthy Hindus, both in India and abroad. The oldest and most identifiable involved selling “life memberships” for a nominal sum, which guaranteed lodging at any of the growing number of ISKCON temples in India with hotel-grade accommodations. 

In reality, this practice is what in sales is known as  “upselling,” wherein (in this case) you create a captive audience carefully groomed for pouring a steady stream of donations into the cult’s coffers. The usual tactic involves selling them a sob story about the cult’s feeding the poor while feeding their own overblown sense of religious piety by inscribing their name in a prominent place in a temple, etc. After puffing up their egos in this manner, their real value becomes apparent as networking tools valuable only for sharing contact information about new prospective donors with even deeper pockets.


What few know is that Prabhupada was not only aware of the nature of these practices, but factually encouraged and approved of them. For a glaring example of his complicity, wherein he tells a sanyasi disciple of his to openly lie about feeding the poor, while declaring that “we may tell any damn thing to induce people to give us money on Krishna’s behalf,” please go to my blog essay;

KILLERS FOR KRISHNA? ISKCON Founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami on Killing Non-Believers: 

Cult leaders of every description use scare tactics to keep the fanaticism of their followers at fever-pitch. A favorite rabble-rousing technique involves demonizing nonbelievers and spinning fantasies about their destruction. No matter how ridiculous, any incitement to deadly violence might be taken literally by one or more of these already delusional followers. Our beloved guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, was no exception to this practice. Here is a prime example consisting of a transcription of a “morning walk” recorded in Vrindavan, India on 15 March 1974: 
Practically speaking, Vaishnavas are killers. . . It is not that because Mohammed used a sword, we also must use a sword, No! --we can use a Gun. We will ask-...You like Krishna?? No--Booom..You like Krishna? No--Booom. We can use everything for Krishna, we can use the ATOM BOMB FOR KRISHNA!! We have to kill this civilization of mudhas [fools] . . .those who are mudhas, we have to kill them. This is our business. Kill all the mudhas. . . Not now but later when we are more powerful. 

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This essay and all of the charts and illustrations were prepared by and are the exclusive property of the blog author. Using any part of them in any manner, in print or online, is strictly forbidden. A standard link to this blog is a better alternative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been reading nearly all your posts over a year. Some posts make me sad others made me realize how incredibly courageous and strong you are. You also seem to have a great witty nature as I've read so many posts and some of the edits and pictures made me laugh, you truly are a gifted writer. By any chance have you ever considered writing a book of your experiences, it may perhaps help others. Not that you need to this blog is already enough, but if you ever felt you need to. My religious beliefs were shaken, after all the posts, I must say but spiritually I feel refreshed after all I've read here perhaps this blog was meant to find me. Thank you